25 July 2012

Concept Images

Below is some concept imagery of the non-hiearchal network that was established in the diagrammatic analysis shown of the previous post.  The ethereal network of office spaces span from existing buildings in a canopy that stretches above the roads and walkways.

It has been a while since I have modelled anything in 3DS Max so this was a good chance to get back into it and have a go at modelling a large scale city environment.

Concept Image 01 : Aerial View.  3DS Max, Vray, After Effects

Concept Image 02 : Non Hierarchal Network.  3DS Max, Vray, After Effects

19 July 2012

Masters In Architecture

After some time away from my blog (and it's temporary closure due to a problem with gmail), it is back and I will try to keep it up to date!  I am currently studying a Masters in Architecture, which is due to be completed in September.

I am continuing my research into London’s office culture and proposing a more in depth analysis of the office spaces of Canary Wharf.  In the digital age where the traditional place of work is a fluid concept, the project strives to highlight the importance of face-to-face interactions and to create an office space which not only boosts productivity, but one which the workers can enjoy.

Non Hierarchal Layout - 2D & 3D Algorithmic Arrangements

Internal & External Connectivity 

The Blog is Back

In recent weeks my Diploma work has been picked up on by a few websites who have run articles on The Symbiotic Office.  Thanks to these sites for taking an interest, it is great to be able to reach a wider audience and to see other people’s take on my work.  Below are some screen grabs of a few of the sites.

Dezeen  |  http://www.dezeen.com/2012/07/11/the-symbiotic-office-by-richard-black/

The Creators Project  |  http://thecreatorsproject.com/blog/would-this-flower-strewn-oasis-be-your-dream-office-environment

The Atlantic Cities  |  http://www.theatlanticcities.com/arts-and-lifestyle/2012/07/what-it-will-look-when-plants-take-over-london/2553/

Fast Company  |  http://www.fastcoexist.com/1680180/the-symbiotic-office-integrates-nature-and-work